User Guide

User Guide

Don’t Touch the Lava.


Don’t Touch The Lava is a game that has been designed to be easy to pick up and play. You play as a bouncy ball who is challenged with staying alive while inside an active volcano! Your goal is to bounce across spinning platforms, dodging the flying fireballs without falling into the lava below.


Move Left: Left arrow
Move Right: Right arrow
Jump: Space bar

The title Screen

The player is first presented with a colourful screen with two options: How to play and Start Game. The player users their mouse to hoover the screen they want to go into and press the left mouse button.

The How to Play Screen

This screen provides instructions to the player. This screen also includes a button to return to the main menu.


The Game Screen

This is the world where the player will attempt to master the volcano. The starting platform is currently set to disappear after 7 seconds. After a couple of seconds, spinning platforms will start to appear over the screen. In the meantime, fireballs will start to shoot up from the lava as soon as the game starts. These will randomly appear from any part of along the bottom, including directly under the player. You better have good reflexes!

The Game Over Screen
This will show when the player dies. The player has the option to return to the home screen or replay.



PlatformSpinner – This controls the spinning mechanism of the platforms.
PlatformDisappear – This script controls how long the starting platform will remain before disappearing. 
SpawnEnemiesWhenLastKilled – This script will spawn new fireballs once the existing fireballs have been destroyed.
PlayerMovement1 – This script controls the player movement in addition to the kill controls
EndGameListener – This script saves the high score when the player dies.
FireballMovement – This script controls the movement (up and down) of the fire balls.
SceneSwitcher – This script switches scenes.
TimerScript – This script is for the players timer.

FireballSprite – Created myself.
Player – Created myself.
Death Animation Sprite – Created myself.
Lava – Sourced from
Spinning Platforms – Sourced from
Starting Platform – Sourced from


Title Screen – Created myself. How to Play screen – Created myself.
Game Level Background Volcano Image – Sourced from Free Pik.


Clobberin Time – sourced from Online Web Fonts


Game Over Voice Over – Sourced from the Unity Asset Store
Game Music – Sourced from the Unity Asset Store
Title Screen Music- Sourced from the Unity Asset Store 

Last minute changes.

There were plans to include the option to record the players time if they beat the current best. However, I was having difficulty getting the playerprefs script within the EndGameListener script. The issue was that the High Score screen would appear no matter that time, even if it wasn't the best. The second issue was that the time of the player would not show on this screen. Another, time would appear. The third issue I ran into was that after the player does enter their name, the scene would switch to show the high scores, however only the (correct) time would show and not the name. I ran out of time to get this fixed for submission, so the player will now just see the Game Over scene.

ChatGpt Prompts 
Adding sounds
Discussing Wrap Arounds
Troubleshooting Spawner Errors


Derio. 2017. “Lava River”. Open Game Art.

Goldsonne. 2020. “Platforms”. Open Game Art.

Sithoius. 2013. “Rock Tile”.

Starkings, Richard. 2019. “CC Clobberin Time Font”. Online Web Fonts.

“Adrenaline Action Music Pack”. Unity Asset Store.

“Arcade Game BGM Music”. Unity Asset Store.

“Voice Over for Game Over”. Unity Asset Store.

Brgfx. N.d. “Volcano Eruption Scene at Daytime”. Free Pik.

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